Deeper insight into your future talent
Quantum have invested in licensed and accredited Thomas International practitioners providing us the authority to administer a range of talent assessments that explore behaviour, aptitude and personality in the workplace. These assessments allow us a deeper insight into your future talent, enabling you to make informed and objective decisions.
Personal Profile Analysis
We can assess your shortlisted candidates, helping to determine who the best fit is for your business. Using the DISC assessment theory (dominance, influence, steadiness & compliance), we help our partners to identify the key characteristics that suit their specific roles, minimising risk and improving confidence in new starters from the outset.
General intelligence assessment
This test measures cognitive ability (fluid intelligence), providing an accurate prediction of how long it will take an individual to provide value in a new role. In addition to this, the general intelligence assessments also allow you to establish a framework to help keep employees engaged with appropriate challenges suited to their unique needs.
Reliability and validity
Any assessments that we perform have been subject to rigorous scientific testing, and are registered with the British Psychology Society and audited against the technical criteria established by the European Standing Committee on Tests and Testing, part of the European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations.